Mesh Wi-Fi vs Range Extenders

March 15, 2021


Ah, the wonders of the internet. You can download a movie in seconds, stream music without any delay, and video chat with your loved ones even if they're on the other side of the world. But what happens when your Wi-Fi signal starts to weaken or your connection drops? It's frustrating, isn't it? Fear not, for there are solutions to this problem. Two in particular are Mesh Wi-Fi and Range Extenders. In this article, we'll be comparing the two and giving you our unbiased opinion on which is better.

Mesh Wi-Fi

Mesh Wi-Fi is a relatively new technology that has been gaining popularity over the last few years. It uses a network of nodes to provide an extended wireless coverage across a large area. These nodes are connected to each other wirelessly, creating a seamless network that covers every corner of your home. With Mesh Wi-Fi, you don't have to worry about switching between different networks or dealing with dead zones. Mesh Wi-Fi systems are also scalable, meaning you can add more nodes as your Wi-Fi needs increase.

One of the main benefits of Mesh Wi-Fi is its coverage. A single node can cover around 1,500 square feet, depending on the model. This means that a set of three nodes can cover up to 4,500 square feet, which is perfect for large homes or multi-story buildings.

Range Extenders

Range Extenders, on the other hand, are devices that pick up the existing Wi-Fi signal and amplify it, allowing it to reach areas that were previously out of range. They're a more affordable option than Mesh Wi-Fi and are easy to install. You simply plug them into an electrical outlet, and you're good to go.

One of the main drawbacks of Range Extenders is that they create a separate network, which means you have to switch between networks as you move around your home. They're also not as scalable as Mesh Wi-Fi systems, meaning you may have to buy multiple Range Extenders to cover a large area. However, they're still a great option for those on a tight budget or those who live in smaller homes.


Let's compare Mesh Wi-Fi and Range Extenders side-by-side:

Mesh Wi-Fi Range Extenders
Coverage Up to 4,500 square feet Up to 1,200 square feet
Scalability Highly scalable Less scalable
Network Configuration Single network (seamless) Multiple networks (switching required)
Ease of Installation/Set-up Slightly harder to set-up Easy to set-up
Price Expensive Affordable


After comparing Mesh Wi-Fi and Range Extenders, it's clear that both have their advantages and disadvantages. Mesh Wi-Fi is the best option for those with larger homes or multi-story buildings, while Range Extenders are a great option for those on a tight budget or those who live in smaller homes. Ultimately, the choice depends on your individual needs and budget.


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